Summer CSA
Dates: 25 weeks, May 14 - October 31
Pickups: Tuesday or Thursday
Price: $515/Half $910/Full
Note: we work with NOFA-VT to offer lower cost CSA shares for folks who need assistance. Click this link for more info and to sign up.
Sunrise CSA members choose their vegetables at the farm each week from among the various options. If you never want to eat kale, you never have to choose it. On the other hand, we have kale (and lots of other greens) available almost every week. The CSA share also includes plenty of pick-your-own herbs, peas, green beans, and flowers.
You have a choice between two pickup days, either Tuesdays or Thursdays, any time between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM. You decide which day when you sign up.
If you know you’re going to be away for a week, you can either send a friend or neighbor in your place or we will send the surplus to Willing Hands.
The amount in a share varies a bit over the course of the season. A half share will vary between 4 and 6 items per week, a full share between 8 and 12 items per week. Each “item” is something like a half pound of spinach, or a bunch of carrots, or a melon, etc. We usually have at least twice as many items available for you to choose from each week. So out of 15 items, for example, you can decide which 4 you’d like that week for a half share. (Or 8 for a full share.)
Not sure which size share you’d want? We recommend starting with a half share, and we can always boost you up to the full share as the season unfolds. (There’s something about having fresh, delicious vegetables on hand that makes them disappear faster than the store-bought stuff.) We’re happy to set up a payment schedule to spread the cost of the share over time.
Willing Hands Donation
We work closely with Willing Hands, an organization based out of Norwich, that distributes food to community members in need. We donate all of our vegetable surplus to them every week. Many of our members also donate an additional amount of money at the beginning of the season to collectively purchase CSA shares that go straight to Willing Hands. This guarantees that the Willing Hands community is getting the best stuff we have to offer, along with whatever we might have over-produced.
There’s a spot on the CSA Sign Up page to include a donation to the Willing Hands Share-A-Share program.
Winter CSA
Dates: November and December
Pickups: Twice a month, 2 months total
Price: TBD - Signups start in September ‘24
The winter share is an extension of the summer CSA. Pick ups are in the CSA barn and begin in November where the summer season leaves off. Every other week, you can expect hardy storage crops mixed with the cold-loving greens that we grow in our hoop houses. We aim to have the share be valued at 50% green stuff and 50% veggies like carrots and potatoes that will last weeks (or months) in your fridge.